Rister International Martial Arts
Martial Arts Camp - April 25-28 and Kali-Wing Chun Seminar - May 6
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For the educated/skilled martial artist as well as the beginner
Our school is dedicated to the study of combat martial arts.
We offer classes in:
Combat Wing Chun
Wing Chun Kung Fu (the training method / internalization)
Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu & Jeet Kune Do
Maphlindo Silat & Madjapihit Martial Arts
Self-defense (close quarters combat)
Instructor Certification (all areas)
New Class: We now teach children on Saturdays 11:00 AM Stop by and try a class!
We have the best of both worlds in the art. We have the old school "burn it in" approach combined with the new attitude approach to letting the student learn their way. We offer all the old school drills and training methods as well as innovative training with new gear and methods. So, whether you are into the no-nonsense approach or the old school way, we have you in mind.
About Us
Our school is centrally located within the DFW area in a warehouse district in Irving, Texas. We have a very spartan facility and teach effective methods and means to survive real life threats. We train FBI and Law Enforcement Officers, experienced martial artists, and the beginner. Give us a call and train with the best.
Contact Us via
Phone: (972) 768.2721
Email: SifuGuroJon@aol.com
Visit us on Facebook